1 《 软件测试技术
2 实验序号:
3 一、实验目的及要求 掌握用等价类、边界值分析法、因果图的方法设计测试用例 二、实验设备(环境)及要求 实验在计算机系的机房进行,安装了 VC6.0,Java SDK,TurboC 等软件,学生能采用 C 语言,C++,或 Java 语言进行编程。
三、实验内容与步骤 任务一:佣金问题 问题描述如下:
一酒水销售公司指派销售员销售各种酒水。白酒卖 168 元/瓶,红酒卖 120元/瓶,啤酒卖 5 元/瓶。白酒每月的供应量为 5000 瓶,红酒为 3000 瓶,啤酒为30000 瓶,各个销售员每月至少要售出白酒 50 瓶,红酒 30 瓶,啤酒 300 瓶。月末,每个销售员上报他所在区域的销售业绩。这样酒水销售公司就知道了当月的销售情况,并根据销售额计算佣金提成如下:
2 万以下(含):4%; 2 万(不含)~4.5 万(含):1% 4.5 万以上(不含):0.5% 这样,佣金程序生成月份销售报告,汇总售出的白酒、红酒和啤酒总数,销售公司的总销售额和各个销售员的佣金。
输入数据部分,用来处理输入数据的有效性; 销售额计算部分; 佣金(提成)计算部分. 1、充分考虑输入有效性校验,编写佣金问题的代码; 2、按照等价类划分的思想,设计等价类测试用例; 1)佣金问题中,首先分析输入和输出,注意分析佣金问题中给出和隐含的
3)从等价类划分的表格中设计测试用例:为有效等价类设计测试用例,为每一个无效等价类至少设计一个测试用例 3、执行测试,记录发现的问题。
任务二:下一天问题 1、对于 NextDate 问题,分析它的输入限制;
任务三:自动售货机问题 有一个处理单价为 5 角钱的饮料的自动售货机软件测试用例的设计。其规格说明如下:若投入 5 角钱或 1 元钱的硬币,押下[橙汁]或[啤酒]的按钮,则相应的饮料酒送出来。若售货机没有零钱找,则一个显示[零钱找完]的红灯亮,这时再投入 1 元硬币并押下按钮后,饮料不送出来而且 1 元硬币也退出来;若有零钱找,则显示[零钱找完]的红灯灭,在送出饮料的同时退还 5 角硬币。
1)投入 1 元硬币且押下饮料按钮
2) 押下〖橙汁〗或〖啤酒〗的按钮
3) 应当找 5 角零钱并且售货机有零钱找
6、实验报告要求及记录、格式 四、程序调试与结果 1、佣金问题
输入等价类 有效等价类 无效等价类 白酒数量 ○1 在 50~5000 之间 ○2 在 0~49 之间 ○3 在 5000 以上不包括5000 红酒数量 ○4 在 30~3000 之间 ○5 在 0~29 之间 ○6 在 3000 以上不包括3000
啤酒数量 ○7 在 300~30000 之间 ○8 在 0~299 之间 ○9 在 30000 以上不包括30000 2)设计测试用例,以便覆盖所有的有效等价类在表中列出了 3 个有效等价类,编号分别为①、○4 、○7 ,设计的测试用例如下:
测试数据 期望结果 覆盖的有效等价类
输入有效 ①、○4 、○7
测试数据 期望结果 覆盖的无效等价类 (30,40,400)
输入无效 ○2 (5500,40,400)
输入无效 ○3 (55,25,400)
输入无效 ○5
输入无效 ○6 (55,75,250)
输入无效 ○8 (55,75,33000)
输入无效 ○9
4) 测试结果:所有测试都成功,且测试的覆盖率为百分百
2、NextDate 问题
NextDate 是一个有三个变量(月份、日期和年)的函数。函数返回输入日期后面的那个日期。变量月份、日期和年都是整数值,并满足以下条件:
c1:1<=月份<=12 c2:1<=日期<=31 c3:1812<=年<=2012
2)边界值测试设计 编号 输入 期望输出 Year Month Day 001 1993 -1 15 Month 不在 1~12 中 002 1993 0 15 Month 不在 1~12 中 003 1993 1 15 1993 年 1 月 16 日 004 1993 11 15 1993 年 11 月 16 日
005 1993 12 15 1993 年 12 月 16 日 006 1993 13 15 Month 不在 1~12 中
007 1993 6 -1 Day 不在 1~31 中 008 1993 6 0 Day 不在 1~31 中 009 1993 6 1 1993 年 6 月 2 日 010 1993 6 15 1993 年 6 月 16 日 011 1993 6 29 1992 年 6 月 30 日 012 1993 6 30 1992 年 7 月 1 日 013 1993 6 31 Day 不在 1~30 中 014 1993 2 -1 Day 不在 1~29 中 015 1993 2 0 Day 不在 1~29 中 016 1993 2 1 1993 年 2 月 2 日 017 1993 2 15 1993 年 2 月 16 日 018 1992 2 28 1993 年 2 月 29 日 029 1993 2 28 1993 年 3 月 1 日 019 1992 2 29 1993 年 3 月 1 日 020 1993 2 29 平年 2 月没有 29 号 021 1993 2 30 Day 不在 1~31 中 022 1993 2 31 Day 不在 1~31 中 023 1993 12 -1 Day 不在 1~31 中 024 1993 12 0 Day 不在 1~31 中 025 1993 12 1 1993 年 12 月 2 日 026 1993 12 30 1993 年 12 月 31 日 027 1993 12 31 1994 年 1 月 1 日 028 1993 12 32 Day 不在 1~31 中 030 1993 1 -1 Day 不在 1~31 中 031 1993 1 0 Day 不在 1~31 中 032 1993 1 1 1993 年 1 月 2 日 033 1993 1 30 1993 年 1 月 31 日
034 1993 1 31 1993 年 2 月 1 日 035 1993 1 32 Day 不在 1~31 中 3)测试结果:所有测试都成功,且测试的覆盖率为百分百
3、自动售货机问题 1)分析 自动售货机中一共存在 5 个条件和 5 个结果:
C2、投入 1 元硬币
C3、投入 5 角硬币
C5、按下啤酒按钮 结果:E1、售货机“零钱找完”灯亮
E2、退还 1 元硬币
E3、退还 5 角硬币
E5、送出啤酒饮料 2)因果图的分析结果
有零钱选橙汁选啤酒投5角投1元红灯亮出橙汁出啤酒找5角找1元EE选商品 钱付清VVVV应该找零钱V能够找零钱VV 4 )有效的条件组合构成的判定表
输入 C1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 C3 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 C4 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 C5 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1
结果 E1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 E4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 E5 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 5)测试用例 编号 输入值 状态 期望值 001 (cola,1D)
有零钱 Type Error 002 (OrangeJuice,1D)
有零钱 送出橙汁,退 5 角 003 (Beer,1D)
有零钱 送出啤酒,退 5 角 004 (cola,5C)
有零钱 Type Error 005 (OrangeJuice,5C)
有零钱 送出橙汁
006 (Beer,5C)
有零钱 送出啤酒 007 (OrangeJuice,4C)
有零钱 Money Error 008 (Beer,4C)
有零钱 Money Error 009 (cola,1D)
无零钱 红灯亮,退 1 元 010 (OrangeJuice,1D)
无零钱 红灯亮,退 1 元 011 (Beer,1D)
无零钱 红灯亮,退 1 元 012 (cola,5C)
无零钱 退 5 角 013 (OrangeJuice,5C)
无零钱 送出橙汁 014 (Beer,5C)
无零钱 送出啤酒 015 (OrangeJuice,4C)
无零钱 Money Error 016 (Beer,4C)
无零钱 Money Error 6)测试结果:所有测试都成功,且测试的覆盖率为百分百
五、分析与讨论 该实验借助了 Eclipse+JUnit+EclEmma 进行了测试。可以将代码实现的功能过一遍。更快捷的找到自己的测试用例的不足。
4 1、 佣金问题 5 实现代码:
6 package test4; 7
8 import java.util.Scanner; 9
10 public class Commission { 11
double totalspirit=0;//白酒总销售量 13
double totalredwine=0;//红酒总销售量 14
double totalbeer=0;//啤酒总销售量 15
double spiritprice=168;//白酒的单价 17
double redwineprice=120;//红酒的单价 18
double beerprice=5;//啤酒的单价 19
double spiritsales; 21
double redwinesales; 22
double beersales; 23
double sales; 24
double commission;//佣金 26
String resultSales; 27
public Commission(double spirit, double redwine, double beer) 30
{ 31
totalspirit+=spirit; 32
totalredwine=+redwine; 33
totalbeer+=beer; 34
} 35
public String operation(double spirit, double redwine, double beer) 36
{ 37
if(spirit>=50&&spirit<=5000) 38
{ 39
if(redwine>=30&&redwine<=3000) 40
{ 41
if(beer>=300&&beer<=30000) 42
spiritsales=spiritprice*totalspirit; 44
redwinesales=redwineprice*totalredwine; 45
beersales=beerprice*totalbeer; 46
sales=spiritsales+redwinesales+beersales; 47
if(sales<=20000) 48
commission=sales*0.04; 49
else if(sales>20000&&sales<=45000) 50
commission=20000*0.04+(sales-20000)*0.01; 51
else 52
commission=45000*0.01+(sales-45000)*0.005; 53
resultSales="Current State\n" + 54
"白酒销售量: " + totalspirit + "\n" + 55
"红酒销售量: " + totalredwine + "\n" + 56
"啤酒销售量: " + totalbeer + "\n" + 57
"公司总销售额: " + sales+"\n"+ 58
"本月获得佣金:"+commission; 59
} 60
else if(beer<300) 61
{ 62
resultSales="You did not complete the company"s sales 63 index,at least a month to sell 300 bottles of beer."; 64
} 65
else if(beer>30000) 66
{ 67
resultSales="Monthly supply of 30000 bottles of beer"; 68
} 69
} 70
else if(redwine<30) 71
{ 72
resultSales="You did not complete the company"s sales 73 index,at least a month to sell 30 bottles of red wine."; 74
} 75
else if(redwine>3000) 76
{ 77
resultSales="Monthly supply of 3000 bottles of red wine"; 78
} 79
} 80
else if(spirit<50) 81
{ 82
resultSales="You did not complete the company"s sales index,at 83 least a month to sell 50 bottles of spirit."; 84
} 85
else if(spirit>5000) 86
{ 87
resultSales="Monthly supply of 5000 bottles of spirit"; 88
} 89
return resultSales; 90
} 91
92 测试代码:
93 package test4; 94
95 import test3.SaleMachine; 96 import junit.framework.TestCase; 97
98 public class TestCommission extends TestCase { 99
public void testOperation1() 100
{ 101
Commission saleMan1 = new Commission(55,40,400); 102
String expectedResult = "Current State\n" + 103
"白酒销售量: " + 55.0 + "\n" + 104
"红酒销售量: " + 40.0 + "\n" + 105
"啤酒销售量: " + 400.0 + "\n" + 106
"公司总销售额: " + 16040.0+"\n"+ 107
"本月获得佣金:"+641.6; 108
assertEquals(expectedResult, saleMan1.operation(55,40,400)); 109
} 110
public void testOperation2() 111
{ 112
Commission saleMan2 = new Commission(30,40,400); 113
String expectedResult = "You did not complete the company"s sales index,at least a 114 month to sell 50 bottles of spirit."; 115
assertEquals(expectedResult, saleMan2.operation(30,40,400)); 116
} 117
public void testOperation3() 118
{ 119
Commission saleMan3 = new Commission(5500,40,400); 120
String expectedResult = "Monthly supply of 5000 bottles of spirit"; 121
assertEquals(expectedResult, saleMan3.operation(5500,40,400)); 122
} 123
public void testOperation4() 124
{ 125
Commission saleMan4 = new Commission(55,25,400); 126
String expectedResult ="You did not complete the company"s sales index,at least a 127 month to sell 30 bottles of red wine."; 128
assertEquals(expectedResult, saleMan4.operation(55,25,400)); 129
} 130
public void testOperation5() 131
{ 132
Commission saleMan5 = new Commission(55,4000,400); 133
String expectedResult = "Monthly supply of 3000 bottles of red wine"; 134
assertEquals(expectedResult, saleMan5.operation(55,4000,400)); 135
} 136
public void testOperation6() 137
{ 138
Commission saleMan6 = new Commission(55,75,250); 139
String expectedResult ="You did not complete the company"s sales index,at least a 140 month to sell 300 bottles of beer."; 141
assertEquals(expectedResult, saleMan6.operation(55,75,250)); 142
} 143
public void testOperation7() 144
{ 145
Commission saleMan7 = new Commission(55,75,33000); 146
String expectedResult = "Monthly supply of 30000 bottles of beer"; 147
assertEquals(expectedResult, saleMan7.operation(55,75,33000)); 148
} 149
public void testOperation8() 150
{ 151
Commission saleMan8 = new Commission(100,150,1000); 152
String expectedResult = "Current State\n" + 153
"白酒销售量: " + 100.0 + "\n" + 154
"红酒销售量: " + 150.0 + "\n" + 155
"啤酒销售量: " + 1000.0 + "\n" + 156
"公司总销售额: " + 39800.0+"\n"+ 157
"本月获得佣金:"+998.0; 158
assertEquals(expectedResult, saleMan8.operation(100,150,1000)); 159
} 160
public void testOperation9() 161
{ 162
Commission saleMan9 = new Commission(250,1000,5000); 163
String expectedResult = "Current State\n" + 164
"白酒销售量: " + 250.0 + "\n" + 165
"红酒销售量: " + 1000.0 + "\n" + 166
"啤酒销售量: " + 5000.0 + "\n" + 167
"公司总销售额: " + 187000.0+"\n"+ 168
"本月获得佣金:"+1160.0; 169
assertEquals(expectedResult, saleMan9.operation(250,1000,5000)); 170
} 171 } 172
173 2、 NextDate 问题
174 实现代码:
175 package test4; 176
178 public class NextDay { 179
int year; 181
int month; 182
int day; 183
int nextday; 184
int nextmonth; 185
int nextyear; 186
String resultDate; 187
public NextDay(int year,int month,int day) 189
{ 190
nextday = day; 191
nextmonth=month; 192
nextyear=year; 193
} 194
public String operation(int year,int month,int day) 195
{ 196
if(1>month || month>12) 197
{ 198
resultDate="This month not between 1 and 12"; 199
} 200
if(1>day || day>31) 201
{ 202
resultDate="This day not between 1 and 31"; 203
} 204
else{ 205
switch(month) 206
{ 207
case (1): 208
case (3): 209
case (5): 210
case (7): 211
case (8): 212
case (10): 213
if(day<31) 214
{ 215
nextday=day+1; 216
} 217
else if(day==31){ 218
nextday=1; 219
nextmonth=month+1; 220
} 221
resultDate="Tomorrow"s date 222 is:"+nextyear+"-"+nextmonth+"-"+nextday; 223
break; 224
case (4): 227
case (6): 228
case (9): 229
case (11): 230
if(day<30) 231
{ 232
nextday=day+1; 233
} 234
else if(day==30) 235
{ 236
nextday=1; 237
nextmonth=month+1; 238
} 239
else if(day==31) 240
{ 241
resultDate="Sorry.This month no 31 days!"; 242
break; 243
} 244
resultDate="Tomorrow"s date 245 is:"+nextyear+"-"+nextmonth+"-"+nextday; 246
break; 247
case (12): 249
if(day<31) 250
{ 251
} 253
else{ 254
nextday=1; 255
nextmonth=1; 256
nextyear=year+1; 257
} 258
resultDate="Tomorrow"s date 259 is:"+nextyear+"-"+nextmonth+"-"+nextday; 260
break; 261
case (2): 262
if(day<28) 263
{ 264
nextday=day+1; 265
} 266
else if(day==28) 267
{ 268
if((year%4==0&&year%100!=0)||year%400==0) 269
{ 270
nextday=29; 271
} 272
else{ 273
nextday=1; 274
nextmonth=3; 275
} 276
} 277
else if(day==29) 278
{ 279
if((year%4==0 && year%100!=0) || year%400==0) 280
{ 281
nextday=1; 282
nextmonth=3; 283
} 284
else 285
{ 286
resultDate="Sorry.This year"s 2nd month no 29 days!"; 287
break; 288
} 289
} 290
else if(day==30||day==31) 291
{ 292
resultDate="Sorry.This month no 30 or 31 days!"; 293
break; 294
} 295
resultDate="Tomorrow"s date 296 is:"+nextyear+"-"+nextmonth+"-"+nextday; 297
break; 298
} 299
} 300
return resultDate; 301 } 302
303 } 304 测试代码:
package test4; 306
307 import junit.framework.TestCase; 308
309 public class TestNextDay extends TestCase { 310
public void testOperation1() 311
{ 312
NextDay next1 = new NextDay(1993,-1,15); 313
String expectedResult ="This month not between 1 and 12"; 314
assertEquals(expectedResult, next1.operation(1993,-1,15)); 315
} 316
public void testOperation2() 317
{ 318
NextDay next2 = new NextDay(1993,0,15); 319
String expectedResult = "This month not between 1 and 12"; 320
assertEquals(expectedResult, next2.operation(1993,0,15)); 321
} 322
public void testOperation3() 323
{ 324
NextDay next3 = new NextDay(1993,1,15); 325
String expectedResult = "Tomorrow"s date is:"+1993+"-"+1+"-"+16; 326
assertEquals(expectedResult, next3.operation(1993,1,15)); 327
} 328
public void testOperation4() 329
{ 330
NextDay next4 = new NextDay(1993,11,15); 331
String expectedResult = "Tomorrow"s date is:"+1993+"-"+11+"-"+16; 332
assertEquals(expectedResult, next4.operation(1993,11,15)); 333
} 334
public void testOperation5() 335
{ 336
NextDay next5 = new NextDay(1993,12,15); 337
String expectedResult = "Tomorrow"s date is:"+1993+"-"+12+"-"+16; 338
assertEquals(expectedResult, next5.operation(1993,12,15)); 339
} 340
public void testOperation6() 341
{ 342
NextDay next6 = new NextDay(1993,13,15); 343
String expectedResult = "This month not between 1 and 12"; 344
assertEquals(expectedResult, next6.operation(1993,13,15)); 345
} 346
public void testOperation7() 347
{ 348
NextDay next7 = new NextDay(1993,6,-1); 349
String expectedResult = "This day not between 1 and 31"; 350
assertEquals(expectedResult, next7.operation(1993,6,-1)); 351
} 352
public void testOperation8() 353
{ 354
NextDay next8 = new NextDay(1993,6,0); 355
String expectedResult = "This day not between 1 and 31"; 356
assertEquals(expectedResult, next8.operation(1993,6,0)); 357
} 358
public void testOperation9() 359
{ 360
NextDay next9 = new NextDay(1993,6,1); 361
String expectedResult = "Tomorrow"s date is:"+1993+"-"+6+"-"+2; 362
assertEquals(expectedResult, next9.operation(1993,6,1)); 363
} 364
public void testOperation10() 365
{ 366
NextDay next10 = new NextDay(1993,6,15); 367
String expectedResult = "Tomorrow"s date is:"+1993+"-"+6+"-"+16; 368
assertEquals(expectedResult, next10.operation(1993,6,15)); 369
} 370
public void testOperation11() 371
{ 372
NextDay next11 = new NextDay(1993,6,29); 373
String expectedResult ="Tomorrow"s date is:"+1993+"-"+6+"-"+30; 374
assertEquals(expectedResult, next11.operation(1993,6,29)); 375
} 376
public void testOperation12() 377
{ 378
NextDay next12 = new NextDay(1993,6,30); 379
String expectedResult = "Tomorrow"s date is:"+1993+"-"+7+"-"+1; 380
assertEquals(expectedResult, next12.operation(1993,6,30)); 381
} 382
public void testOperation13() 383
{ 384
NextDay next13 = new NextDay(1993,6,31); 385
String expectedResult = "Sorry.This month no 31 days!"; 386
assertEquals(expectedResult, next13.operation(1993,6,31)); 387
} 388
public void testOperation14() 389
{ 390
NextDay next14 = new NextDay(1993,2,-1); 391
String expectedResult = "This day not between 1 and 31"; 392
assertEquals(expectedResult, next14.operation(1992,3,-1)); 393
} 394
public void testOperation15() 395
{ 396
NextDay next15 = new NextDay(1993,2,0); 397
String expectedResult = "This day not between 1 and 31"; 398
assertEquals(expectedResult, next15.operation(1993,2,0)); 399
} 400
public void testOperation16() 401
{ 402
NextDay next16 = new NextDay(1993,2,1); 403
String expectedResult = "Tomorrow"s date is:"+1993+"-"+2+"-"+2; 404
assertEquals(expectedResult, next16.operation(1993,2,1)); 405
} 406
public void testOperation17() 407
{ 408
NextDay next17 = new NextDay(1993,2,15); 409
String expectedResult ="Tomorrow"s date is:"+1993+"-"+2+"-"+16; 410
assertEquals(expectedResult, next17.operation(1993,2,15)); 411
} 412
public void testOperation18() 413
{ 414
NextDay next18 = new NextDay(1992,2,28); 415
String expectedResult ="Tomorrow"s date is:"+1992+"-"+2+"-"+29; 416
assertEquals(expectedResult, next18.operation(1992,2,28)); 417
} 418
public void testOperation29() 419
{ 420
NextDay next29 = new NextDay(1993,2,28); 421
String expectedResult ="Tomorrow"s date is:"+1993+"-"+3+"-"+1; 422
assertEquals(expectedResult, next29.operation(1993,2,28)); 423
} 424
public void testOperation19() 425
{ 426
NextDay next19 = new NextDay(1992,2,29); 427
String expectedResult ="Tomorrow"s date is:"+1992+"-"+3+"-"+1; 428
assertEquals(expectedResult, next19.operation(1992,2,29)); 429
} 430
public void testOperation20() 431
{ 432
NextDay next20 = new NextDay(1993,2,29); 433
String expectedResult ="Sorry.This year"s 2nd month no 29 days!"; 434
assertEquals(expectedResult, next20.operation(1993,2,29)); 435
} 436
public void testOperation21() 437
{ 438
NextDay next21 = new NextDay(1993,2,30); 439
String expectedResult ="Sorry.This month no 30 or 31 days!"; 440
assertEquals(expectedResult, next21.operation(1993,2,30)); 441
} 442
public void testOperation22() 443
{ 444
NextDay next22 = new NextDay(1993,2,31); 445
String expectedResult = "Sorry.This month no 30 or 31 days!"; 446
assertEquals(expectedResult, next22.operation(1993,2,31)); 447
} 448
public void testOperation23() 449
{ 450
NextDay next23 = new NextDay(1993,12,-1); 451
String expectedResult = "This day not between 1 and 31"; 452
assertEquals(expectedResult, next23.operation(1993,12,-1)); 453
} 454
public void testOperation24() 455
{ 456
NextDay next24 = new NextDay(1993,12,0); 457
String expectedResult = "This day not between 1 and 31"; 458
assertEquals(expectedResult, next24.operation(1993,12,0)); 459
} 460
public void testOperation25() 461
{ 462
NextDay next25 = new NextDay(1993,12,1); 463
String expectedResult = "Tomorrow"s date is:"+1993+"-"+12+"-"+2; 464
assertEquals(expectedResult, next25.operation(1993,12,1)); 465
} 466
public void testOperation26() 467
{ 468
NextDay next26 = new NextDay(1993,12,30); 469
String expectedResult = "Tomorrow"s date is:"+1993+"-"+12+"-"+31; 470
assertEquals(expectedResult, next26.operation(1993,12,30)); 471
} 472
public void testOperation27() 473
{ 474
NextDay next27 = new NextDay(1993,12,31); 475
String expectedResult ="Tomorrow"s date is:"+1994+"-"+1+"-"+1; 476
assertEquals(expectedResult, next27.operation(1993,12,31)); 477
} 478
public void testOperation28() 479
{ 480
NextDay next28 = new NextDay(1993,12,32); 481
String expectedResult ="This day not between 1 and 31"; 482
assertEquals(expectedResult, next28.operation(1993,12,32)); 483
} 484
public void testOperation30() 485
{ 486
NextDay next30 = new NextDay(1993,1,-1); 487
String expectedResult ="This day not between 1 and 31"; 488
assertEquals(expectedResult, next30.operation(1993,1,-1)); 489
} 490
public void testOperation31() 491
{ 492
NextDay next31 = new NextDay(1993,1,0); 493
String expectedResult ="This day not between 1 and 31"; 494
assertEquals(expectedResult, next31.operation(1993,1,0)); 495
} 496
public void testOperation32() 497
{ 498
NextDay next32 = new NextDay(1993,1,1); 499
String expectedResult ="Tomorrow"s date is:"+1993+"-"+1+"-"+2; 500
assertEquals(expectedResult, next32.operation(1993,1,1)); 501
} 502
public void testOperation33() 503
{ 504
NextDay next33 = new NextDay(1993,1,30); 505
String expectedResult ="Tomorrow"s date is:"+1993+"-"+1+"-"+31; 506
assertEquals(expectedResult, next33.operation(1993,1,30)); 507
} 508
public void testOperation34() 509
{ 510
NextDay next34 = new NextDay(1993,1,31); 511
String expectedResult ="Tomorrow"s date is:"+1993+"-"+2+"-"+1; 512
assertEquals(expectedResult, next34.operation(1993,1,31)); 513
} 514
public void testOperation35() 515
{ 516
NextDay next35 = new NextDay(1993,1,32); 517
String expectedResult ="This day not between 1 and 31"; 518
assertEquals(expectedResult, next35.operation(1993,1,32)); 519
} 520 } 521
522 3、 自动售货机问题
523 实现代码:
524 package test4; 525
526 public class SaleMachine { 527
private int countOfBeer, countOfOrangeJuice, countOfFiveCents, 528
countOfOneDollar; 529
private String[] typeOfGoods = { "Beer", "OrangeJuice" }; 530
private String resultOfDeal; 531
public SaleMachine() { 533
initial(); 534
} 535
public void initial() { 537
countOfBeer = 6; 538
countOfOrangeJuice = 6; 539
countOfFiveCents = 6; 540
countOfOneDollar = 6; 541
} 542
public SaleMachine(int fiveCents, int oneDollar, int numOfBeer, 544
int numOfOrange) 545
{ 547
countOfFiveCents = fiveCents; 548
countOfOneDollar = oneDollar; 549
countOfBeer = numOfBeer; 550
countOfOrangeJuice = numOfOrange; 551
} 552
public String operation(String type, String money) 554
{ 556
if (countOfFiveCents <= 0) { 557
if (money.equalsIgnoreCase("5C")) { 558
if (type.equals(typeOfGoods[0])) { 559
resultOfDeal = "give you a bottle Beer."; 560
return resultOfDeal; 561
} else if (type.equals(typeOfGoods[1])) { 562
resultOfDeal = "give you a bottle OrangeJuice."; 563
return resultOfDeal; 564
} else { 565
resultOfDeal = "Back 5 Cents."; 566
return resultOfDeal; 567
} 568
} 569
if (money.equalsIgnoreCase("1D")) { 570
if (type.equals(typeOfGoods[0])) { 571
resultOfDeal = "Turn on the red light \n" + "Back 1 Dollar"; 572
return resultOfDeal; 573
} else if (type.equals(typeOfGoods[1])) { 574
resultOfDeal = "Turn on the red light \n" + "Back 1 Dollar"; 575
return resultOfDeal; 576
} else { 577
resultOfDeal = "Back 1 Dollar"; 578
return resultOfDeal; 579
} 580
} else { 581
resultOfDeal = "Money Error."; 582
return resultOfDeal; 583
} 584
} else { 585
if (money.equalsIgnoreCase("1D")) { 586
if (type.equals(typeOfGoods[0])) { 587
resultOfDeal = "give you a bottle Beer.\n" 588
+ "Back 5 Cents."; 589
return resultOfDeal; 590
} else if (type.equals(typeOfGoods[1])) { 591
resultOfDeal = "give you a bottle OrangeJuice.\n" 592
+ "Back 5 Cents."; 593
return resultOfDeal; 594
} else { 595
resultOfDeal = "Type Error"; 596
return resultOfDeal; 597
} 598
} else if (money.equalsIgnoreCase("5C")) { 599
if (type.equals(typeOfGoods[0])) { 600
resultOfDeal = "give you a bottle Beer.\n"; 601
return resultOfDeal; 602
} else if (type.equals(typeOfGoods[1])) { 603
resultOfDeal = "give you a bottle OrangeJuice.\n"; 604
return resultOfDeal; 605
} else { 606
resultOfDeal = "Type Error" + "Back Money"; 607
return resultOfDeal; 608
} 609
} else { 610
resultOfDeal = "Money Error"; 611
return resultOfDeal; 612
} 613
} 614
} 615 } 616
617 测试代码:
618 package test4; 619
620 import test4.SaleMachine; 621 import junit.framework.TestCase; 622
623 public class TestSaleMachine extends TestCase { 624
public void testOperation1() { 625
SaleMachine saleMachine1 = new SaleMachine(); 626
String expectedResult =
"Type Error"; 627
assertEquals(expectedResult, saleMachine1.operation("cola", "1D")); 628
} 629
public void testOperation2() { 631
SaleMachine saleMachine2 = new SaleMachine(); 632
String expectedResult = "give you a bottle OrangeJuice.\n"+"Back 5 Cents."; 633
assertEquals(expectedResult, 634
saleMachine2.operation("OrangeJuice", "1D")); 635
} 636
public void testOperation3() { 638
SaleMachine saleMachine3 = new SaleMachine(); 639
String expectedResult = "give you a bottle Beer.\n"+"Back 5 Cents."; 640
assertEquals(expectedResult, saleMachine3.operation("Beer", "1D")); 641
} 642
public void testOperation4() { 644
SaleMachine saleMachine4 = new SaleMachine(); 645
String expectedResult = "Type Error"+"Back Money"; 646
assertEquals(expectedResult, saleMachine4.operation("cola", "5C")); 647
} 648
public void testOperation5() { 650
SaleMachine saleMachine5 = new SaleMachine(); 651
String expectedResult = "give you a bottle OrangeJuice.\n"; 652
assertEquals(expectedResult, 653
saleMachine5.operation("OrangeJuice", "5C")); 654
} 655
public void testOperation6() { 657
SaleMachine saleMachine6 = new SaleMachine(); 658
String expectedResult =
"give you a bottle Beer.\n"; 659
assertEquals(expectedResult, saleMachine6.operation("Beer", "5C")); 660
} 661
public void testOperation7() { 663
SaleMachine saleMachine7 = new SaleMachine(); 664
String expectedResult ="Money Error"; 665
assertEquals(expectedResult, 666
saleMachine7.operation("OrangeJuice", "4C")); 667
} 668
public void testOperation8() { 670
SaleMachine saleMachine8 = new SaleMachine(); 671
String expectedResult ="Money Error"; 672
assertEquals(expectedResult, saleMachine8.operation("Beer", "4C")); 673
} 674
public void testOperation9() { 676
SaleMachine saleMachine9 = new SaleMachine(0, 6, 6, 6); 677
String expectedResult = "Back 1 Dollar"; 678
assertEquals(expectedResult, saleMachine9.operation("cola", "1D")); 679
} 680
public void testOperation10() { 682
SaleMachine saleMachine10 = new SaleMachine(0, 6, 6, 6); 683
String expectedResult = "Turn on the red light \n" + "Back 1 Dollar"; 684
assertEquals(expectedResult, 685
saleMachine10.operation("OrangeJuice", "1D")); 686
} 687
public void testOperation11() { 689
SaleMachine saleMachine11 = new SaleMachine(0, 6, 6, 6); 690
String expectedResult = "Turn on the red light \n" + "Back 1 Dollar"; 691
assertEquals(expectedResult, 692
saleMachine11.operation("Beer", "1D")); 693
} 694
public void testOperation12() { 696
SaleMachine saleMachine12 = new SaleMachine(0,6,6,6); 697
String expectedResult ="Back 5 Cents."; 698
assertEquals(expectedResult, saleMachine12.operation("cola", "5C")); 699
} 700
public void testOperation13() { 701
SaleMachine saleMachine13 = new SaleMachine(0,6,6,6); 702
String expectedResult = "give you a bottle OrangeJuice."; 703
assertEquals(expectedResult, saleMachine13.operation("OrangeJuice", "5C")); 704
} 705
public void testOperation14() { 706
SaleMachine saleMachine14 = new SaleMachine(0,6,6,6); 707
String expectedResult = "give you a bottle Beer."; 708
assertEquals(expectedResult, saleMachine14.operation("Beer", "5C")); 709
} 710
public void testOperation15() { 711
SaleMachine saleMachine13 = new SaleMachine(0,6,6,6); 712
String expectedResult = "Money Error."; 713
assertEquals(expectedResult, saleMachine13.operation("OrangeJuice", "4C")); 714
} 715
public void testOperation16() { 716
SaleMachine saleMachine16 = new SaleMachine(0,6,6,6); 717
String expectedResult = "Money Error."; 718
assertEquals(expectedResult, saleMachine16.operation("Beer", "4C")); 719
} 720 } 721